Antonio Gaudí in Barcelona

There's no escaping Antonio Gaudi in Barcelona; he's around pretty much every corner. So here's some advantageous certainties about the man himself, and where to discover some of his works.

Manifestations of Antonio Gaudi in Barcelona are all around, around each corner. One need not scan for him, but rather it is convenient, obviously, to know precisely where to look on the off chance that you truly need to see most or the majority of his figures.

Antonio Gaudi was conceived in 1852, in the region of Reus. A great many people trust that he was conceived in Reus itself, yet it is discussed that he may likewise have been conceived in Riudom, or somewhere close to Reus and Riudom.

As a tyke, Gaudi had rheumatic issues and suprisingly, in school did not demonstrate a specific signs of being a virtuoso. In any case, he made decent evaluations and was an acceptably commited understudy.

In 1868, at the young age of 16, Gaudi moved to Barcelona to think about engineering.

He served time in the military, in the vicinity of 1874 and 1877, however was never very battle.

Among Gaudis initially extends were the Park de la Ciutudella and the Monastary of Montserrat.

Despite the fact that a renowned and fruitful man, Gaudi never found 'the one' and remained an unmarried lone wolf until his troublesome passing in 1926. On June seventh of that year, he was keep running over by a cable car at the crossing point between Calle de Bailen and the Gran Via.

Tousled and unclean, nobody remembered him instantly. Truth be told cabbies declined to drive him to doctor's facility. In the end, in the homeless people doctor's facility where he was taken, his companions remembered him and attempted to take him to a superior doctor's facility. He won't, trusting himself to be in the opportune place, among poor people. There, in that healing facility, he kicked the bucket.

His body is currently covered in the sepulcher at his most reknowned work, La Sagrada Familia.

The work of Antonio Gaudi in Barcelona

Casa Batllò 1904-1906 (Passeig de Gràcia 43)

Authorized by the proprietor of the time, Mr. Josep Batllò, this building was granted one of the 3 best structures of the year by the Barcelona gathering in 1906.

The uncommon Gaudi touch was given as the expansion of two stories, a display, galleries and polychrome earthenware production.

The neighborhood name of this building is Casa dels Ossos which means place of bones.

It is an odd and excellent working, with the rooftop being compared to a winged serpents back, which reverberates with Gaudis evident enthusiasm for legendary animals. (I am neither denying nor insisting the presence of dragons...)

In the production of this building, Gaudi worked together with other gifted craftsmen of the time; Josep Maria Jujol, the siblings Badia and Sebastià Ribò.

Casa Viçens 1883 (18-24 Calle de les Carolines in Gràcia)

This somewhat shrouded magnificence ought to be on your Gaudi touring list. Claimed by Mr. Manuel Viçens i Montaner, who was either a stock specialist or a fired industrial facility proprietor. I have perused records of him being either of these callings.

This building is an UNESCO world legacy site, and as it should be. Wonderful and exceptional, it shows moorish components; dressed with harsh red blocks, shaded earthenware tiles and unpleasant cut stone.

Strangely, it has an unbalanced arrangement, and gladly wears intricit housetop towers.

Palau Guell 1886-1890 (3-5 Calle Nou de la Rambla)

An assignement from Eusebi Guell, this building is situated on Nou de Rambla, on the passageway of which contained Barcelonas most popular massage parlor. (No, it is not even now there.)

This is likewise an UNESCO world legacy site, with the name Palau meaning Palace in English.

Beside being renovated by Gaudi, the building has another distinguishing strength; it showed up as a scenery in the film The Passenger by Michelangelo Antonioni.

Bodegas Güell 1895-1901 (Carretera 246 de Calafell a Barcelona.)

The name Bodegas Güell means wine basements of Güell, and are situated in the locale of Garraf, 25km from Barcelona.

Worked for Count Eusebi Güell, the building comprises of a cellar, ground floor and the best floor being utilized as a house of prayer. The basement is presently being utilized as an eatery so it's conceivable to visit within and outside of the building.

This is a lovely, excellent building, and ought to definately be on your rundown of Gaudi structures to visit. Not minimum since it is not all that outstanding and it is constantly worth endeavoring to be unique.

Finca Güell 1884-1887

At this point you are seeing one keeps an eye on name a dreadful parcel on this page; of Eusebi Güell. Yes, Eusebi was a decent companion of Antonio Gaudi and clearly a major supporter of his work. In the event that you are occupied with the connection between these two men, more data can be found on the Gaudi club site.

So in any case, Sr. Güell was such a major aficionado of Gaudis work that he had him assemble his own one of a kind domain. Thus the name Finca Güell which means Güell domain.

Situated between Les Corts and Sarrià, the whole bequest is comprised of three littler homes; Can Feliuz, Torre Baldivó and Can Cuyás.

Eusebi Güell relegated undertakings to Gaudi, to improve and open up his domain, which comprised of the fundamental entryway and stables, a wellspring, the church, development of the encasing divider and different adornments.

In 1984, the patio nurseries moved toward becoming "chronicled professional flowerbeds".

Take a look about Park Guell here