Labyrinth of Horta in Barcelon Explore

Labyrinth of Horta

The Laberint D'horta Park includes the oldest garden in Barcelona. Born as a neo-classical garden with a touch of Italian appearance, finished as a romantic garden.

Doubt is a maze. Decisions, hypotheses and theories are ways to find alternatives and each shortcut starts a brand new point of view. Think about it as he tries to unravel vegetable labyrinth made of wide and domesticated walls of Cypress Park. If you cannot find the heart that this park will be stolen on its way to reach the Center, asking Eros where can regain it. His sculpture is right at the heart of the maze. Situated in the world, to cope with the second task: is a neoclassical garden or an enchanting garden?

History of Labyrinth

The Recreation area occupies the lands of an house of the Marquess of Llupià, of Poal i d' Alfarrs, an extremely enlightened man who commissioned the task to the Italian Domenico Bagutti, who done it until 1808.

The French gardener Delvalet was responsible for the plantations, and a catalan master of works, Jaume Valls, supervised the work. The Desvalls family maintained ownership of the estate until the 1967s, when it passed into the hands of the City Council. It opened as a public park in 1971. A restoration in depth, which transformed the conception to the category of Garden Museum was made in 1994.

Design of Labyrinth

The Laberint D'horta Park is a garden Museum. Its museographical discourse is the tour of the duality between neo-classicism and romanticism. A journey that begins in the Chinese Gate, vestige of a vanished East Garden. Continue along the garden's box (Buxus sempervirens), a stealthy garden preserves the spirit of the designer, Landscaper and gardener Italian Domenico Bagutti, creator of the Park commissioned by Antoni Deszanjas, Marquess of Llupià i Alfarràs. From this garden, born from the careful pruning, leave the roads leading to the templetes of Ariadna and Danae, the domestic garden and also a romantic garden, that occupies all the left flank of the Park.

Architecture of Labyrinth

Romantic garden or neoclassical garden? The Park of the Laberint offers arguments for one and other. Symmetry, Topiary artwork and regular gardening, pavilions with Tuscan columns, fountains and springs, mythological sculptures, a neoclassical Pavilion focused on the muses and, on the other hands, the audio of the drinking water released into a waterfall and a stream on the bed of rock, MOSS and crazy plant life, a jungle and shady garden, upholstery of Ivy and the blossom of love irregular tree set up of yews, pines, banana trees and shrubs and lime trees and shrubs of large-sized and a good fake cemetery. Sensible green and wild green, dominated nature and free nature. They are the elements that mark the different stages of growth of the Park, that neo was born in 1791 and grew and romantic completed in 1853.

This Park, full of charm, is one of the most beautiful when you are visiting Barcelona. Ideal for an afternoon family and recommended by barcelona explore.